It’s October so its OBVIOUSLY time to celebrate black cats (AKA House Panthers).

Here are a few fun facts about these pawsome creatures!

🌚 The Egyptians revered all cats as good luck. The Egyptian goddess Bastet represented a lioness warrior deity and is frequently illustrated throughout history as a black cat.

🌚 In England (except Yorkshire) and Ireland if a black cat crosses your path, it’s good luck.

🌚 Are you Scottish? A stray black cat arriving at your doorstep home signals prosperity (i.e. time to buy a lotto ticket)!

🌚 If you’re a pirate, things get complicated. If a black cat is walking toward you, it’s bad luck. If it’s walking away, that’s good luck. If the cat walks onto the ship and then back off of it β€”get off the ship, it’s going to sink. And if you can get any cat to do any of those things on command, I’m super impressed.

🌚 There is not just one breed of black cat. There are 19 cat breeds in the Cat Fanciers Association directory that list β€œblack” as a color option.

🌚 Many black cats have golden eyes, which is the result of high melanin pigment content in their bodies.

🌚 Black cats can be boys or girls, but more are more frequently male than female.

We are celebrating black cats ALL MONTH LONG at C&C!
Come on by in costume and show us your Halloween spirit (bonus points if it’s a cat costume).

Got an awesome house panther of your own?
Send us pics and we’ll feature them on the next blog post!Β 

With Love and Light,
