As a cat lover I’ve spent a good bit of time perusing cat costumes each year around Halloween time.
And full disclosure, I’ve gone the ‘Catwoman’ route more than once. First, when Batman Returns was released in 1992 and I begged my mom to sew me Michelle Pfieffer’s black vinyl catsuit (AND SHE DID, photo evidence below). Then again in my early 20’s when vinyl catsuits had become a thing you could actually buy in store.

Aside: Props to my mom for letting me scamper around our conservative Alabama neighborhood in black vinyl and high heels at age 13. I’m sure there were plenty of folks who found that inappropriate, but who cares?!
Now at 40 years of age I still remember how awesome it felt that Halloween night to literally disappear into the dark… just like the black cats I’ve always found so magical. Imagination is a wonderful thing at any age.
Anyhoo… back to cat costumes!
I decided to do you a favor and pull together an easily shoppable list to turn yourself into a cat this Hallows Eve should you so desire… so read on fun furriends!
Silly + Comfy = WIN
As if Hocus Pocus isn’t awesome enough, now you can buy a Binx costume that is basically as comfy as pajamas.
And yes I’ve already ordered it myself so please wear yours to C&C so we can be twinsies.
Wanna put in even less effort? How about just a cat head and paws?
Are you a cat-loving Goddess? Then the ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet costume is your jam!
Depicted and worshipped as a Goddess in feline form was the ruler of home, domesticity, feminine energy, fertility and childbirth.
I love Egyptian mythology and could go on and on about Bastet, Ra, Horus, Anubis, Hathor, etc., but that’s a post for another day…
(aka Selena Kyle and comic book fame. You have lots of options)
Eartha Kitt / Julie Newmar / Lee Meriwether Catwoman – Circa 1966 – 1968!
This is one of my favs and yes, it’s also in my closet from Halloween 2016.

Anne Hathaway Catwoman – The Dark Night Rises – Circa 2012.
If you already have a futuristic black motorcycle as a prop then this one’s for you.

Michelle Pfieffer Catwoman – Batman Return – Circa 1992.
Good luck in those heels. Oh and don’t forget you’ll need a whip!

Now go scamper about this Halloween in your feline finest and have fun!
Or come join the ALL AGES Halloween fun in the Cat Lounge with LYFF Rescue’s Purrs & Pumpkins Halloween Party and adoption event. Tickets available here.